
Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Outlook 2016 Autodiscover for Non-Domain Joined Computers

Outlook 2016 requires Autodiscover to connect to Exchange, which can make it difficult for users on non-domain joined PCs.

Meaning: unlike previous versions of Outlook, there is no manual setup for Exchange accounts.

If some of your users have personal machines that they use to connect to Exchange, there's a registry fix (hack), that will bypass that domain check and allow them to configure their Outlook profile.

First, download the Outlook2016.reg key file from my
Google Drive.

**Note** You can also create the reg key manually:

Open Notepad, and paste the following into it:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



Close and Save the file as Outlook2016.reg

Once you have downloaded or created the registry key, we'll need to import it.

Simply double-click Outlook2016.reg

Click Yes that you are sure you want to continue.

Click Ok.

Now try to set up your Outlook profile to connect to your Exchange environment.


  1. Hi, I had already tried this but it doesn't work. I am looking at the Microsoft Connectivity Analyser.

    1. Hey Dave, what does ExRCA say...any Autodiscover/DNS issues?

  2. This has not worked for me but there is an easy way how to store autodiscover.xml file locally and point to it through Windows registry. The guide is at http://woshub.com/outlook-2016-manual-setup-exchange-account/ .
