
Thursday, September 22, 2016

Exchange 2016 Adding Custom Fields to Outlook Contact Cards

In my current project, we have a need to add certain fields to Outlook contact cards such as Employee ID number, Location Code, and the like.

These fields are controlled by the Address List, and to make changes to them, you use the Details Template Editor in the Exchange Toolbox.

With the editor you can: change field sizes, add/remove fields, add/remove tabs, rearrange the layout, and more to suit your needs. Once you're done, all changes will presented in the users' clients.

In the Exchange Toolbox, double-click the Detail Templates Editor


We'll be editing the details for English Users, so scroll down and double-click the en-US\User template

It will open the default settings

First, we'll need more real estate to work in, so drag the bottom re-sizer bar to make the are larger.

Next we'll be adding a new Listbox.

The easiest way to add a listbox and keep the correct formatting is to copy one of the default boxes.

Right-click one of the default boxes and click Copy

Next right-click anywhere in the empty space below the default boxes and click Paste

Now we can position the listbox.

Drag the new listbox to the location that you want. Blue guide bars will appear telling you that it is in line with the other boxes.

You can also manually position the box by editing the x/y axis and height/width in the left editor pane

Tip: Click the default box above the newly created one and look at its height/width and X axis settings. Edit the height, width, and X axis of the new box to match. In our case it will be height: 12; width: 100; X axis: 82

**Note** MS TechNet says there is no undo and that you have to delete and start over, but that's wrong. You can CTRL-Z to revert to your last step.

Now, we'll add a Label to the listbox by selecting Label in the left pane, and dragging it next to the new Listbox

Next, name the label. In my example, this will be an Employee ID box, so we'll edit the label in the right editor pane

Now we need to link the Listbox to an attribute. As you can see, if you click on a default box, and check the right pane, you'll see the attribute that the box is pulling data from. Here, the attribute for the Phone field is called Telephone-number.

Since our new Listbox is for the Employee ID number, we'll map that attribute by selecting the new box, and in the right pane, use the drop-down to find Employee-Number

**Note** You can set all kinds of attributes on the boxes, including the Exchange Custom Attributes 1-15, or as we do in my environment Attributes 16-30 that were imported from MIM :)

Once you're satisfied with your new Listbox, click File > Save in order for changes to take effect

Now, give it time for the address list to replicate the changes then close and reopen Outlook and you should see the newly created field in the contact card

If you are unhappy with the results, you can go back into the editor and make changes, then save again and then new changes will be applied.

If you need to revert back to the default template just follow these simple steps:

In the Details Template Editor, select the template you changed (en-US\User) and in the right pane, click Restore. Click Yes. Now your template will be back to the original state.


  1. just what I was looking for. Thank you for posting this information.

  2. Hello. How to add the Phone-Ip-Primary attribute to the attribute dropdown list?

    1. Unfortunately, I don't think it's possible, as ipPhone isn't a supported attribute. You can find the list of attributes that you can add here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-US/outlook/troubleshoot/contacts/contact-card-cannot-be-changed-by-group-policy-or-oct#workaround
